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CocoIndex CLI

CocoIndex CLI embeds CLI functionality in your program. It provides a bunch of commands for easily managing and inspecting your flows and indexes.

Enable CocoIndex CLI

Use Packaged Main

The easiest way is to use a packaged main function:
import cocoindex

def main():

With this, when the program is executed with cocoindex as its first argument, CocoIndex CLI will take over the control. For example:

$ python cocoindex ls       # Run "ls" subcommand: list all flows

You may also provide a cocoindex_cmd argument to the main_fn decorator to change the command from cocoindex to something else.

Explicitly CLI Invoke

An alterntive way is to use cocoindex.cli.cli (with type click.Group). For example, you may invoke the CLI explicitly with additional arguments:



The following subcommands are available:

lsList all flows.
serverStart a HTTP server providing REST APIs. It will allow tools like CocoInsight to access the server.
setupCheck and apply setup changes for flows, including the internal and target storage (to export).
showShow the spec for a specific flow.
updateUpdate the index defined by the flow.

Use --help to see the full list of subcommands, and subcommand --help to see the usage of a specific one.

python cocoindex --help       # Show all subcommands
python cocoindex show --help # Show usage of "show" subcommand