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Build Custom Functions

To build a custom function, you need to define a function spec and an executor.

Function Spec

The function spec of a function defines the function's parameters. These parameters configures behavior of a specific instance of the function. When you use this function in a flow (typically by a transform()), you instantiate this function spec, with specific parameter values.

A function spec is defined as a class that inherits from cocoindex.op.FunctionSpec.

class DemoFunctionSpec(cocoindex.op.FunctionSpec):
Documentation for the function.
param1: str
param2: int | None = None


  • All fields of the spec must have a type serializable / deserializable by the json module.
  • All subclasses of FunctionSpec can be instantiated similar to a dataclass, i.e. ClassName(param1=value1, param2=value2, ...).

Function Executor

A function executor defines behavior of a function. It's initantiated for each operation that uses this function.

The function executor is responsible for:

  • Prepare for the function execution, based on the spec. It happens once and only once before execution. e.g. if the function calls a machine learning model, the model name can be a parameter as a field of the spec, and we may load the model in this phase.
  • Run the function, for each specific input arguments. This happens multiple times, for each specific rows of data.

A function executor is defined as a class annotated by @cocoindex.op.executor_class().

class DemoFunctionExecutor:
spec: DemoFunctionSpec

def prepare(self) -> None:

def __call__(self, input_value: str) -> str:


  • The cocoindex.op.executor_class() class decorator also takes the following optional arguments:

    • gpu: bool: Whether the executor will use GPU. It will affect the way the function is scheduled.

    • cache: bool: Whether the executor will enable cache for this function. When True, the executor will cache the result of the function for reuse during reprocessing. We recommend to set this to True for any function that is computationally intensive.

    • behavior_version: int: The version of the behavior of the function. When the version is changed, the function will be re-executed even if cache is enabled. It's required to be set if cache is True.

    For example, this enables cache for the function:

    @cocoindex.op.executor_class(cache=True, behavior_version=1)
    class DemoFunctionExecutor:
  • A spec field must be present in the class, and must be annoated with the spec class name.

  • The prepare() method is optional. It's executed once and only once before any __call__ execution, to prepare the function execution.

  • The __call__() method is required. It's executed for each specific rows of data. Types of arugments and the return value must be annotated, so that CocoIndex will have information about data types of the operation's output fields. See Data Types for supported types.


The cocoindex repository contains the following examples of custom functions:

  • In the pdf_embedding example, we define a custom function PdfToMarkdown
  • The SentenceTransformerEmbed function shipped with the CocoIndex Python package is defined by Python SDK. Search for SentenceTransformerEmbedExecutor to see the code.